🖥️ Installation

Planchet works in two components: a service and a client. The service is the core that does all the work managing the data, while the client is a light wrapper around the requests library that makes accessing the service safer and more convenient.

Service Side

You can use this repo and start straight away like this:

git clone git@github.com:savkov/planchet.git
export PLANCHET_REDIS_PWD=my-super-secret-password-%$^@
make install
make run-redis
make run

If you want to run Planchet on a different port, you can use the uvicorn command but note that you MUST use only one worker.

uvicorn app:app --reload --host --port 5005 --workers 1

You can also run docker-compose from the git repo:

git clone git@github.com:savkov/planchet.git
export PLANCHET_REDIS_PWD=my-super-secret-password-%$^@
docker-compose up

Client Side

Install the client from PyPi using:

pip install planchet